Pre-Marital Agreements

Pre-Marital / Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer in Rhode Island

Nothing can kill romance faster than the word prenup. But with about one in three of all first marriages ending in divorce, and 50 percent of second or third ones hitting the skids, a prenup is smart financial planning. A pre-marital or prenuptial agreement is a contract between two people about to wed that spells out how assets will be distributed in the event of divorce or death. It is smart financial planning and such agreements have existed for thousands of years.

At the Law Office of Brenda L. Ferry I advise and represent clients in all matters involving pre-marital and prenuptial agreements.

I can:

  • Draft an Agreement
  • Review a proposed agreement
  • Negotiate changes to a proposed agreement

You should consider having a prenup if you fall into any of the following categories:

  •  You have assets such as a home, stock or retirement funds
  • Own all or part of a business
  • You may be receiving an inheritance
  • You have children and/or grandchildren from a previous marriage
  • One of you is much wealthier than the other
  • One of you will be supporting the other through college
  • You have loved ones who need to be taken care of, such as elderly parents
  • You have or are pursuing a degree or license in a potentially lucrative profession such as medicine
  • You could see a big increase in income because your business is taking off